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eTimeMachine offers a comprehensive and on the same token elaborate and highly scalable Timesheet solution. Under eTimeMachine all employees have their workspace where they receive their work assignments in real time from throughout the company.
eTimeMachine consolidates activities from various systems into one user-friendly Workspace screen. Activities are funneled into the Workspace from Project Management systems, such as Primavera and MS Project, Help Desk systems, such as Remedy, Workflows, and from within eTimeMachine itself.
Employees can view their work assignments in a table, calendar or bar chart format.
eTimeMachine allows employees to receive work assignments and record time and progress anytime, anywhere, as the eTimeMachine workspace is available on the Internet, mobile devices and by e-mail.

Timesheets for Project and Enterprise: About Us

Employees fill up timesheets by recording their time, progress and expenses, vacation, sick days, overtime, banked time, accomplishments, etc and submit them periodically for approval. Managers (Resource Managers, Project Managers) can approve and reject timesheets entirely or partially. Upon approval of timesheets, the originating systems are updated with actual time and progress. This information consequently updates other systems, such as accounting, Payroll and HR.
The software is applicable and has been widely used in the areas of Project, Resource and Work Management.
The system maintains strong data integrity – it allows for unlimited configurable business rules for data validation, bullet-proof approval processes, and is highly auditable.
Timesheets for Project and Enterprise: About Us

Time populated from group and crew assignments
Consolidated - activities come from MS Project, Oracle Primavera, Help Desk and other systems
Configurable Business Rules to accommodate most elaborate validation scenarios
Attendance-automatic (based on employee log in/out when applicable) or by integration with swipe-cards
Flex time and fatigue time features
Timesheets generation by project / organization / customer
Integrated with MS Project, Oracle Primavera, MS Outlook, BMC Remedy, ERP systems
Non-project functionality and processes: absence (sick, vacation), banked time, overtime
Available via web, mobile, e-mail
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